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Got Questions? I’m Here to Help.

Can you do readings over the phone?

Not over the phone at the moment. But, we can do readings over Zoom video calls. So you don't need to be physically here for the reading to be completed. We can do distance interactive readings over the internet.

What can I expect my reading to be like?

You can grab a cup of tea, a bottle of water or any beverage of your choice. Or, no beverage at all. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

I will start by clarifying if there is any area in particular you would like guidance with during this session. 

Then I will shuffle the cards and the reading will commence. 
You can ask questions along the way. You can tell me if it doesn't resonate or isn't resonating. It's important you get the right information, so you should say when it doesn't apply.

If you would like clarification, please also, let me know. This is your reading.

If you would like to know what my reading style is like, then please check out my general readings on YouTube -


How long does each reading session take?

A full reading will last around 30-45 minutes.

Sometimes it can go a little over, but very rarely does it go under the 30 minutes.

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