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Dagaz - A Musing

Being two triangles facing one another. Is it where all that has been meets all that will be? It gives and takes, and ebbs and flows. That we remember the future because the clues were left in the past? Future and past have a giving and receiving and so we sit at its fulcrum. Almost like Dagaz is this see-saw we get to ride in the centre point of. I also go counterpoint as a word. My word I found today and shared on the Magpie Moonchild Facebook page - Syzygy /ˈsɪzɪdʒi/


1. Astronomy - a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.

"the planets were aligned in syzygy"

2. a pair of connected or corresponding things.

Mused on 12/7/2022 (July 22)

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